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As part of the 2013 National Programme Against Flu, the report “Flu and its costs" was prepared. According to the authors, the costs connected with the diminished effectiveness of the sick and absence from work can amount to PLN 4.3 billion per season.
Healthy, light, and, most of all, and adjusted to specific diseases, which are common in old age – this is what a senior’s diet should be like. As geriatricians emphasise, it is difficult to set universal recommendations for all, because the fitness and physical condition of senior varies from individual to individual.
The blood for tests should be drawn in the morning, after the night's rest, on an empty stomach, while retaining the current diet - this is one of the rules defined in quality standards for medical diagnostic and microbiology laboratories.
In specific situations patients are entitled to free-of-charge sanitary transport, including air transport, for instance to the nearest hospital. Such transport can be taken advantage of on the basis of a referral issued by a doctor, from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except for statutory holidays.
Approximately 30 percent of Poles of various age, including teenagers, complain of insomnia. When untreated, it has a negative impact on physical and mental health – including an increased risk of circulatory system diseases and diabetes.
320 thousand outpatient visits, 100 thousand hospitalisations and 22 thousand surgical procedures each year – these are the numbers summarising the work of the Warsaw-based Maria Skłodowska-Curie Institute of Oncology.
Dog therapy is a therapy with specially trained dogs. It can support motor rehabilitation and psychotherapy, or it can be employed with people afflicted with Down syndrome, autism, speech disorders and motor coordination disorders.
Haemorrhoids, also referred to as piles, are varices of the anus, appearing inside or outside it. They usuallz disappear spontaneously after several weeks, but they can recur and persist despite treatment.
A bunion is an acquired deformation of the foot, and its most prominent part is the lateral shift of the hallux (crookedness). Unfortunately, it is not only a cosmetic defect. With time bunions can cause not only problems with wearing shoes, but also quite severe pain.
Helping disease-affected persons and their families, spreading knowledge about the diseases that particular patients suffer from, exchanging experiences, and legal support are the objectives implemented by various associations for sick persons and their families, which are numerous in Poland.
A doctor giving anaesthesia may take care of only one patient, and has to be accompanied by a nurse anaesthetist. The patient has to give consent for the anaesthesia, and the confirming document should be attached to the medical history.
Rabies is an acute viral disease of the mammalian central nervous system. To prevent it, a person at risk of infection, e.g. bit by a wild animal, should receive a vaccination as soon as possible.