They protect people and property, often work in shifts – physical security guards. As of this year, this profession has been deregulated, which means that security guards no longer have to obtain professional licenses. However, the obligation to undergo medical and psychological examination remains.

Instead of obtaining licenses, security guards are entered on lists of qualified employees. According to the resolution of the Minister of Health of December 2013, anyone seeking such entry must undergo general medical examination.

What does the physician assess during a test?

During a test, the physician assesses the candidate’s health, including hearing and balance, the circulatory system, the motor system and the nervous system.

A future security guard must be also subjected to specialist eyesight and psychiatric examinations. The purpose of the latter is to eliminate mental disorders and psychological conditions and disturbances.

The physician may also order other specialist and additional tests, if these should turn out “necessary to correct health evaluation" of the security guard candidate.

The psychological tests obligatory to the candidate include the following: intellectual ability evaluation, personality evaluation with consideration of acting under stress, and social and emotional maturity evaluation. If so recommended by the psychologist, these examinations can be broadened.

Examination fees

If the results of all tests are positive, the candidate will receive a medical certificate confirming his/her physical, mental, and psychological ability to perform the duties of a security guard.

The maximum fees are PLN 250 for a medical examination and PLN 100 for a psychological examination.

Pursuant to the resolution of the Minister of Health, the cost of the examination must be covered by the security guard. This solution has been deemed consistent with the Basic Law. The Constitutional Tribunal has declared that medical examinations which must be covered by the security guard, lie in the interest of said security guard, because he applies for a document providing the right to practice the profession.

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