Specialists emphasize that products we eat and drink may have a significant impact on the absorption, metabolism and excretion of drugs. That is why drugs should be taken at least one hour before and no earlier than two hours after a meal. It’s also best to wash them down with ordinary boiled water.

As pointed out by the experts, food and drugs contain ingredients which may be either mutually exclusive or complementary.

“Such interactions may reduce or block therapeutic effects or intensify dangerous symptoms," argued Lucyna Bułaś, MD, of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, a regional consultant in the field of retail pharmacy.

She also added that we should read patient information leaflets and consult a pharmacist or doctor if we have any doubts.

Ordinary water is the best

In general, drugs should be taken with ordinary boiled water. Mineral water is not recommended, as it may be enriched with microelements that may have adverse effects when combined with drugs. Replacing water with tea, coffee or juices made from citrus fruit can interfere with the absorption and metabolism of drugs.

“The best choice during therapy is to give up drinking grapefruit juice, which can cause an up to 10-fold increase in the drug concentration in the blood. This concerns, i.a. benzodiazepines used in insomnia treatment," highlighted Dr Bułaś.

We should not drink coffee and tea before, during and after taking iron preparations. The fact that iron combines with some tannins may prolong the treatment, e.g. in the case of anaemia.

Certain drugs, like some preparations containing calcium or cyclosporine, should be washed down with milk.

Things to avoid when on antibiotic therapy

Drinking milk and eating food containing calcium, magnesium and iron ions is not recommended while taking tetracycline antibiotics, because they lower the activity of these drugs.

During antibiotic therapy we should not take any vitamins and minerals in tablets. “We will also feed the bacteria that we want to eliminate," says Dr Bułaś. “Vitamins are recommended during convalescence, but I’d recommend looking for them in natural products."

It is a good idea to drink yogurt and kefir, which help to replenish the 'friendly’ bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract, which is also destroyed by antibiotics. After appropriate time, though.

Be careful with cheese and grilled dishes

Patients who take drugs for asthma should not combine them with grilled or fried meat, as the compounds produced during grilling and frying accelerate the metabolism of these drugs, lowering their level in the blood.

Cheese (especially maturing) is not recommended with some antidepressants inhibiting the decomposition of catecholamines. Cheese, mushrooms, certain wines and ripe bananas consumed with these drugs can cause, e.g. a rapid rise in blood pressure and palpitations.

Consuming large amounts of green vegetables that contain vitamin K, e.g. broccoli, lettuce, or spinach, together with anticoagulants may weaken or eliminate the effects of these drugs.

Hazardous reactions may also occur when we combine foods that contain a lot of dietary fibre with drugs used in the treatment of heart failure, heart rhythm disorders and depression.

“Such a diet causes drug adsorption and reduces their concentration in the blood, which can exacerbate the disease," the pharmacist explains.

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